Get Well Soon (Floral Bouquet) Braille Greeting Card

a vibrant orange card with 3 flowers tied with a twine ribbon that says get well soon. The card sits on a neutral grey backdrop

This vibrant, yet soothing card will definitely let someone know you care. Each card features a lovely linen paper, with unique flowers, stitching, and a twine bow to create a simple yet elegant tactile design. The top of the card features a message in brown text and braille saying “Get Well Soon”, the bottom left of the card features a braille description of the scene saying “flowers tied with a bow”.

This card and every card sold by Unsightly Creations is available in uncontracted Grade 1 or contracted Grade 2 UEB braille. 

The card’s interior contents can be sent to you empty or customized with your message of choice in braille, print, or both! Just select your preferred option and fill in your message at checkout.

Not sure if the person you know reads braille? Or do you want to send this year’s card as a secret message? Opt for uncontracted braille and your recipient can still read the message as every card comes with a complimentary Braille Alphabet Bookmark. You can also order a braille card with a print-only interior. Just let us know your preferred font and size.

To purchase this card select buy now, from the shopping cart window select braille greeting card to customize your options, select your preferred design from the drop down menu, fill in your details, and check out!

A Detailed Visual Description of This Card:

Along the top of the card is brown large print and braille saying, “Get well Soon”. Below are 3 flowers of various sizes. Each card has a unique flower set which may include, daisies, roses, orchids, or irises in yellows, oranges, and reds. The stem of each flower descends from the petals using green stitched thread which comes together and is tied with a brown twine bow. To the left of the scene is a description in braille that reads, “flowers tied with a bow”. The florals sit on a lovely pale orange linen paper. Framing the linen paper is a neutral pale brown paper with a delicate brocade pattern. The card base is a vibrant, warm orange colour.